Monday, April 14, 2008

blue like jazz

It was a pretty perfect couple of days on Friday and Saturday, I must say.

After a really difficult week my friend, Karina, and I went to see a Valley Festival Singers performance- which is a local choir group- with the theme of black spirituals. A couple of my friends were singing, and the Nelson Boschman Trio was playing, so all in all an amazing evening of song.

Afterwards we took a walk to a pizza place and shared a medium hawaiian overlooking the dim lights, and passing traffic, of South Fraser Way- a strip of Abbotsford where a mall, a Safeway, and numerous other stores and cafes call home.

It is not a spectacular place by any means, but these insignificant details of the town one calls home are always more beautiful when shared with a friend.

Saturday was as close to perfect as days can be... with the minor exception of an hour or so when I had a bit too much coffee and felt wired. I woke up at around 9 and a friend, Alex Friesen, called me, reminding me that Radiohead tickets were going on sale that morning at10!

Ah! So Alex, Greg, and I took a walk in the beautiful morning sunlight to the mall and waited around until 10. Then at 10:01 I picked up my horribly overpriced $77 ticket.

Thus, I now have ticket to see Radiohead in August. Ah Ha Ha!!! I am super excited for this one!

The day, then, consisted of me finishing novels, sitting under trees on campus, and sitting on my backdeck in the cool of night with a bottle of beer from holland. It does not get much better than this, friends.

Then Sunday was really overcast. And boring. And so is today. Thus proving the old cliche regarding British Columbia: If you don't like the weather just wait 5 minutes.

So now I am listening to In Rainbows for the second time this morning, about to have a gradually cooling mug of green tea, and about to finish papers that were due two weeks ago. Can't wait until summer starts up.

See you.

1 comment:

Amy said...

wha? I'm crazy jealous that you're going to see Radiohead.. I actually went to ticketmaster today to see if there were tix left (I figured they'd be sold out...) Hope you have fun!!