Wednesday, April 16, 2008

sonic youth is terrible

Hm. My last entry kind of sucked, again. I am really not doing well at this whole "sounding interesting" lately. I will make it up to you.

It has been overcast as anything since Saturday. Though, I am done exams, and I now have time to read books I have been meaning to read... among them;

The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck
The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, Mordachi Richler
The Sound and the Fury, William Faulkner
A Complicated Kindess, Miriam Toews

Alright. I have to write something good soon. It has been too long.

PS- If you haven't seen Juno yet, watch it over a cup of yorkshire harrogate tea. That and "Paris je' Taime".

See you.

PPS - I am wearing the most uncomfortable clothing known to man today, which does not fit. Clothing should not stretch. Meh.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Update: The Sound and the Fury is really a piece of shit, in some ways.

And a work of genius in others (I say this reservedly). It is the most complex, and skilled, novel I have ever picked up, but also the most difficult to understand! My goodness.

Its not the kind of book you read, as much as it is a book you admire from afar as you turn the pages.

Even so. This one is too much for me. It has since found a home in my "MCC Thrift Store" box.