Monday, May 12, 2008

no expression

A lot has happened since last time. Evidently.

Last Wednesday a friend and I went to my favorite resteraunt in Nanaimo - a romantic Mediterranean place built in a house downtown- only to find out it was closed down!!! Which was tough, being that it is the second of my two favorite resteraunts in Nanaimo shut down.

My first was an Italian place called "Milanos" that my mom used to cook for, which is now turned into a British style place. My friend and I were making fun of each other because I'm somewhat Italian and she is somewhat British.

At the Sheree Plett show there was about 4 people that showed up, which actually made the show really good. Halfway through her set I got to do a couple of my poems, like this one, and I was horribly awkward as usual. During the show my friend and I were drawing pictures of trees on a table.

Then, after 4 more days of waiting to see if I had a job, and wandering the streets of Nanaimo and Vancouver, I came home and found out that I have a job! I'm going to be a youth ministry intern from the next 13 weeks, starting Thursday. Thus beginning a new journal experience.

So far the extent of my preparation for this summer has been me buying Larvae snacks - wormy things that you can eat!!! I am a youth worker, after all.

Last night I made a feast, of sorts, in the tradition of "Babette's Feast" and "Big Night". It reminded me a lot of the weddings my Mom and I used to cater, making really good food for young brides and uptight bridesmaids (a stretch for most caterers I have seen).

It is always good trying to get a lot of friends together for a dinner, because it gives me that 2 or 3 hours to just be in the kitchen and cook. It is my way of making up for the fact that I cannot play guitar at all, and the fact that I take myself too seriously sometimes. Especially after traveling alone too much.

So that is where I am. I'm trying to sit down and write something concrete today, and not sit around the house. Though, that is starting to become a paradox, and a contradiction in my life, in many ways. A house is supposed to be a place of safety, of comfort and belonging. Though in western cultures "staying inside the house" has become tied to laziness, arrogance, and a lot of other things that really don't do anyone any good.

I don't understand this. I just know that I need my house to be a place of belonging, because I don't have much else in my life that exists for that sole purpose. And why does a house even exist if not to be a place where we can belong?

So thats my thought of the day. So far, I have nothing to do today, or tomorrow. We'll see.

(I stole this video from Amy, for the record).

1 comment:

Amy said...

I was about to accuse you of stealing till I read your disclaimer ;)

Those were good times - miss you and your jinx-ish ways! ha