Sunday, July 22, 2007

chapters and overpriced tea

The last Saturday portion of my adventure to Vancouver was not as exciting as Friday. It involved sitting by a pier, across the water from a dock where "Romeo Must Die" and "Dark Angel" were filmed, with a slightly overpriced pita ( i should have bought my first choice... pizza).

Well, I'm skimming over a lot of details here. The pier was right outside a place called "Q Place Market", or some unoriginal name, which is further across the water from downtown Vancouver. We were supposed to go to Stanley Park, but for some reason eating crappy pitas on a sketchy dock seemed more appealing.

A little later an old friend and I took the Sea Bus into Vancouver, about two blocks away from Historic Gastown. Then he dragged me to a movie theater, all the while I was complaining about how much money I spent the day before (i am lame). I tried getting some tickets for Transformers, but it was sold out. So I saw Harry Potter 5 instead.

I actualy really enjoyed it. For being the 5th in a series the movie was great graphically, and story-wise (story-ly is clearly not a word). It was a dark sort of film. I was actually a little shaken afterwards. I seriously need to read those books... it seems like I'm always 5 steps behind everything cool.


Today my friend and I walked on the green hill outside Science World, one of the places I frequent in Van. We walked around a bit, talking about love and relationships, because thats what guys talk about when they take long walks near the ocean. I love the feeling of "wow, this is huge" standing on the hill looking out, and watching the current lines wrinkle and smooth on the surface of the water. Heres a picture from my last trip-

Then I bought some random Chinese tea, that I'm sure will taste like dirt, and took the greyhound home. Yes. I am writing the dry details of my day to day life, with the weird little hope that it will make them seem more interesting (ha ha. I loathe bloggers who do that... and i loathe the word "bloggers").

I think thats about it... oh wait, I never told you about the trees on Commercial, have I? Welllll, when you walk down Commercial drive there are these cute sidestreets, stretching a long way until the road slopes down and disappears. On the side of those sidestreets there are flowered trees that shade the sidewalks, and when its springtime the petals in those trees fall like a soft and colorful rain. Hmm. I love it. It reminds me of a kinder, more accessible Victoria.

(If only Vancouver Island was a little more friendly).

So now I'm going to drink my cold tea that tastes like dirt, watch a random film, practice a little magic, and sleep. Thus ending another weird chapter in my life. Well... later.


PS - I'm only somewhat proud of myself for using proper upper cased lettering this time... take that E.E. Cummings.


* shaina * * said...

the one time i was in vancouver, i hung out with an old lady who spoke no english on a park bench overlooking the marina at the park. your story here is nice and reminds me of that time. i'm jealous of those magic trees... and i'm going to see harry potter this weekend, which i've been awaiting 'cause i love those movies, they are an adventure and make me feel very young and very old. (i also have been meaning to read those books for years now...i like to think waiting till something's out of style is a legitimate, and often richer, lifestyle. and not in a fashionable an actual way.)

Jeise said...

Hi Adam! It's nice to read about your trip to Vancouver! I really miss that place!