Wednesday, April 25, 2007

literature, love, and ethics

i found a stack of books while cleaning today. i was told they were going to be tossed, so i thought i was might as well take them.

so, now i'm wrestling with whether to keep them, or whether to track down the original owner and give them back. the principals from my ethical reasoning class are coming back to haunt me.

beside me, as i'm typing this, are commentaries, mere christrianty, the message, and a tale of three kings. one of these days i'll have to start reading some of the books i'm collecting.

speaking of books, "stranger than fiction" is my new favorite love movie. oh man. i love how the movie speaks to the heart of stories. and it makes me feel like my life is a story, that i can only walk through.

i think that where the story goes is not something the character should try and control, or worry about. also, i've been thinking a lot about love. well, thats pretty much all i ever think about, but that is something for another day (work has me busy all of a sudden. what a strange concept).

if i ever get this into my head, i might start "living" my life. or, i might just start playing guitar again.


update, i found the girl that the books belong to. so i gave them back.

ethics- 1 adam- 0

1 comment:

* shaina * * said...

that's so exciting! i am a chronic book fiend too...i have an entire book case filled with unread treasures. i had to ban myself from chapters recently. hmm, a guy in my youth culture independent study just did a final project on STF...i seriously need to see it. maybe i will watch it tomorrow night. (i have a free movie rental ticket. you have no idea how excited that makes me.) oh love. oh brother. oh life.