Sunday, April 06, 2008

more than alive

Today is a pretty slow day. It was raining this morning so I stayed in and watched "Chocolat". I have a bit of a craving for Bridget Jones. The movie, not Bridget herself... although.

School is almost done, in 2 weeks or so. I'm trying to tie up all the loose ends before summer - i.e. who I like, what bills I need to pay, what music I need to listen to.

I find it is really hard to keep things organized in a set plan. Sometimes the details of life get mixed together, so all I have left is a big mess of priorities, all of which I have to unpack and decide which are the more important to keep (and which are disposable). The to do list gets too complicated to follow through with, leaving me in an overwhelmed state.

Am I just sounding crazy here? To me this is what being a 23 year old / a college student feels like. It is the daily mess of making mistakes and learning from those mistakes, as opposed to having everything neatly laid out for me. The basic thought is that no-one taught me much about adult life- finances, time management, taxes. I'm making this up as I go along.

Maybe it is just as well. I think there are things in this life that have to be experienced in order to be learned, things you won't understand until you yourself have felt them - pain, love, rain, quiet nights under stars. It's basically like something out of a calming movie, or a book of reflective prose.

Though that is not to say I'm fine learning this alone. I do still feel the dire need for a mentor in my life to help me answer those questions, deal with the shit, that I am hard pressed to answer.

yeeeah. so thats that. deep breath. I need to avoid having so much tea. it gets me thinking too much.


- Adam

currently listening to: Hayden (link conveniently located to your right).


Di said...

You were right about the Cranberries' song! I need your postal address, as you have just won a Cambridge postcard!

Adam said...

hmmm. what is the best way to get that to you without a creeper finding my address and stalking me?

send a reminder e-mail to and send an address I will.

snail mail is where its at.

A J Craig said...

Great post. Funny enough, I was waxing poetic the other day about being in my early 20's again. I miss that choatic time of life and both the fun and challenges of that. This is not to say I am now some wisened and enlightened individual, far from it. What I AM saying is that I think it's neat that as you hit different stages of life they all have their cool perks and neat perspectives, and our past eventually enriches and inspires us as we move forward to the next bit of this side of life.