Wednesday, January 30, 2008

new concerts and old friends

Items of further discussion which may/may not merit a comment:

1) My computer is broken. Which is sucky, because it contains every poem and paper I have written to date. Something that costs 1200 bucks should last longer than two years (damn technology).

One of the files on my computer is a presentation I'm doing tommorow. Which scares the hell out of me. Alas.

2) I'm getting better at my voice lessons. I stated tapping into my deep, rich voice lost years ago by teenage insecurity and discouragement. Hitting a difficult not is a great feeling, I must say.
Apparently the key to singing is breathing, and relxing one's face.

3) Today I listened to Ryan Adams (Love is Hell), Death Cab (Transantlanticism) and City and Colour (Sometime... new album coming out soon. woot).

4) Lifehouse is finally in town again. By in town I mean in Seattle, Feb 25th. They're playing at the Showbox, a venue so intimate you can see the hair on the artist's face. Its built right next to Pike Place Market, one of the most beautiful places I know, where you can sip espresso with friends in an artsy park overlooking a great mass of water.

I am super excited for this one.

5) I'm also seeing Xavier Rudd sometime soon.

So, that is my day. I have about 5 books to read, 3 papers to write, and severel memories to capture on paper in the next little while. Not to mention a piece computer than needs to work long enough to let me get my files. Bah.

I complain too much, evidently.

6) It was snowing today. At first lightly, then somewhat heavier. Now its lightly raining, turning dark. This is the first time, in a long time, that I don't care. This concerns me.

Somehow my daily life has turned into ignoring the beautiful aspects of snow, piling up on tree branches, covering the ground. Somehow in the mess of reading and writing I have disregarded something with strength.

I think what frustrates me the most is when things do work the way they are meant to... when life acts out of character. Things like computers, built for the sake of expiring after two years.

Sigh. Ok, I admit I have made too big a deal out of this. I need some kind of renewal, from dependance on finite things that prove unreliable. I don't need something more, as much as I need something with more depth.

Ok. I've said too much. I need to go do some reading. Or some conversing. Or something. This day needs rescuing.



"...God, my soul needs setting free,
I can't keep up with this uncertainty."


Adam said...

oh look, no comments.

I am suprised.

Anonymous said...

I am thinking about conducting a reverse cell look up by going on the internet. I am getting all these phone calls by someone who I really don't know and am wondering who believe that they're dialing. All kinds of crazy texting as well as messages are being left on my voice mail and its beginning to drive me mad. So, exactly where can i locate these reverse cell phone lookup web sites?