Wednesday, October 03, 2007

in the morning, in the winter shade

It was hailing today, just outside my window. I walked outside for a second to watch it, thousands of small pieces of ice hitting every surface, tapping the roof on impact. it was sweet.

I was busy buying books online at the time. I think i have an addiction. Last week i payed 40 dollars for a book by Blaga Dimitrova- an obscure bulgarian author no-one has ever heard of. and i felt bad for a good three days.

Then today i picked up 6 books... ranging in price from 1 cent to 73 cents. The books were less than 6 bucks, whereas the shipping was 20. a mixed blessing I think.

I will come right out, and confess my sins. I ordered:
Life After God, Douglas Coupland -17 cents
A complicated kindness, Miriam Toews - 1 cent
Eleanor Rigby, Douglas Coupland - 82 cents
Bird by Bird, Anne Lammot - $4
Walking on Water, Madeleine L'Engle - $2.40
What the light was like, Luci Shaw, $10.80

and Journey to Oneself, Blaga Dimitrova - $38.

I'm going to feel real bad come tomorrow. then laugh about it when the books arrive, then feel discontent for lack of books again next year.

being a guy is weird.

1 comment:

Kathleen Dayle said...

Tell me how you like Bird by Bird. My English teacher mentioned it to me, it sounded interesting.