Wednesday, August 29, 2007

All that noise, and all that sound,

... sometimes the day keeps me up all night.
and i wonder if its worth staying here.
call my bluff, i'm not alright. i'm running away.
I just need a place that sleep calls home.

so, for the past week i have been working like a madman, trying to plan a concert, finish work, and figure out Student Council information all at once.

I wasn't able to get the last three days of summer off, which means i have to miss every single Leadership Training meeting- thus it also means that i have no effing idea what i am doing.

Anyway, deep sigh, as you can see i still haven't had anything interesting to say in over a week. This is a weird sensation for me, a guy who likes to keep his online journal very up to date. This could, in the end, be my downfall... my generalized writing style is starting to rub off into my real journaling (the kind with paper). So my personal wrestlings, which are not meant to grace the pages of an online journal, are starting to get less honest and more vague. hm.

I'm starting to feel the downness of being too busy. I wish i had/really want a couple days to slow down and reflect... it would be a shame to let an entire summer of insight just go to waste- or to just shrug off the precious details in the rush of starting a new chapter. bleh.

If you know me please ask me for a conversation. If you don't know me, we'll have to fix that... send me an e-mail or something.

talk to you later.


Di said...

I have to say this: I do enjoy reading you! If you could post a few cups of coffee to go with your lines it would have been perfect!

* shaina * * said...

"the story of my college career." i was the social activities coordinator and one of those whirlwind people all through was all "good experience" and whatnot...but now i reallly wish i'd had more of those downtimes/times for reflecting and actually producing things that lasted past their scheduled dates. if ya know what i mean. so i guess i'm saying...don't make the same mistake i did? hahah. but for real. weigh every option. 'cause when you try to do everything...everything becomes meaningless.

i don't really like the way this comment is coming across/sounding. it'd be much better in conversation. hey pretty soon maybe we will actually get to have one of those! in real life! whoooa! :)