Sunday, June 03, 2007

concerts and convictions

John Mayer is pretty spectacular in concert. and, the Gorge has the best acoustics i have ever heard. i could hear every word Johnny Boy was singing, without distortion, in perfect clarity AND i could hear my own voice as i was making comments with my friends

get this- the very first thing John Mayer said was "So, who's sleeping in my tent tonight". Hmmm. Then he said "this venue has a great backdrop. Its like, when you look out at it theres no problems... no problems." I think the highlight of the night was the acoustic set, lit dimly with purple lights, and a dark blue, starred atmosphere.

Ben Folds was a very solid act, as well. It was, i will say with confidence, the best show i have seen in my short 5 years of seeing shows.

I can't wait for September, when i'll get to plan shows. i was considering putting together a small coffeehouse concert, with my housemates. that would be pretty cool. but its pretty much just a dream right now. i dunno. part of me just doesen't feel like putting the effort in. its probably because i was awake for 20 hours yesterday.

PS, i've promised myself that I will write some thoughts down next week, in the form of prose. Though, I've already broken the promise to never let good thoughts go to waste.

until then, waiting for... a lot of things.

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