Sunday, March 04, 2007

when i find my way

a spring break journal. sunday 1:15 pm

i made myself a chili for lunch, and for some reason... it is ridiculously freaking spicy!!! ARG! i have yet to master the fine art of chili, it seems.

so, now i sit, my face on fire, finishing a paper for "environmental issues". with this paper i'm trying to build a "theology of home". a theology of home implies the cliche' "live locally, think globally" or something like that. i think if we are to start making a global impact (which is important, not just because al gore said so), we have to start at home.

and what is home? is it limited to the house we live in? if you call a house "home" you also have to consider everything in the community, region, world around you that contributes to home.

anyway, frick, i need to get this paper done. 1 more page. come on. please argue with me, because my ideas are not solidified. they are thinking out loud, trying to find answers.

in other news, this is the last day of spring break. sigh. the music that has defined my week has been sufjan stevens. whereas the movies that have defined my week (aka, made me laugh, cry, and question the human condition)- pan's labyrinth and stranger than fiction. good stuff.

another chapter of life, that i turn to leave behind. i'll have a lot to think about when i'm writing my papers and speeches this month. oh! if anyone has insight about "faith as a journey" or "how one finds self worth" feel to share.

-so, another day to spend alone. i'll leave word when i find my way.

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