Saturday, February 17, 2007

sometimes the road leads through dark places

things that are currently messing up my life (for the better) ;

1) Environmental Issues

2) Christian Imagination

3) Brand New

4) A. Loewen's Blog (and music)

5) Imagine, by Steve Turner

its nice, sometimes, to reflect on stuff that gets me down for good reasons, rather than wallow in the negative all the time. then again, even the positive leaves me in a place of wrestling. grrrrr. i think too much.

not much thought today. just waking up, to sit in class all day, to come home and clean, to write, to fall asleep. a day well spent.


alan.schram said...

Class today was not well spent. It's reiterations of OT/NT theology dragged out slowly over a cheese-grater of mixed biblical interpretations.

I hate the environment.

Kathleen Dayle said...

I think I think too much too. Wrestle, wrangle, push, pull, back, forth, rinse, repeat.

So apparently I have a blogger account because when leaving a comment, it says "choose an identity" and Kathleen ("your Blogger display name") is already selected. Hmm... This is handy. But I don't remember ever having a Blogger display name - when did I sign up? And what is my password? Curious indeed.

I can almost smell the wine you so eloquently wrote about in your last entry...

Anonymous said...

Good way to look at life. Wish I was more like that sometimes. I think I'm a bit more of a "Glass half empty" kind of person most of the time. I do try to see the silver lining though.