Sunday, February 25, 2007

and home is where you break me

a spring break journal. Sunday, 11:13 pm

a) i have, in the past two days, grown a profound love, and longing, for a place to call home. i'm glad i'm not traveling profusely right now, but that i'm settling down, doing what i love- processing life.

though, processing life is not easy without the distraction of caffeinated beverages. this lent thing is making me a very humble man.

b) i'm a far cry from being in control of my life. in terms of finances, feelings, priorities, and just stuff i worry about in general. being at home requires that i deal with life.

this entry, i must tell you, is a precursor to a much longer, more descriptive entry about my three day walking adventure in vancouver... which may or may not be written someday.

image of the day, given a cliche' name- "empty"

1 comment:

Kathleen Dayle said...

I love this picture.