Tuesday, March 04, 2008

We found our way into the afternoon

Some updates:

1) I finished my paper a couple days ago (A study on Hosea 11). It took way too long, and sections are written way too emotionally. Remind me never to try and express overt amounts of heart into a research paper. Ever again.

I'm just about done doing the editing now. I am, noticably, sick of writing. I did get to uncover some interesting insights on traveling with my paper. Its not too bad.

2) I spent my whole week paper-izing, thus avoiding the vices of romance, holding hands, and kissing under a long sun-set by the west coast ocean. Sigh.

I'm starting to realize, gradually, that life has it's joy whether or not the love we experience is romantic. I could be wrong.

3) Beirut is coming to Vancouver. I can't wait! Well... I can. Because I think my ex is going (bah!). Even so.

4) The picture I just posted is of my friends from Vancouver, Laureate. I'm hoping that, sometime In the next two years, one of these guys will be able to hook me up with a job at JJ Bean- a coffee chain in Vancouver that I really like, being that they sell good coffee, and being that many cute girls work there.

Ah yes. I can see it now. I'll have to go down to the thirft store and artsify my closet soon. Not to mention my life.

5) March is definately the most stressful month of the school year, in terms of assignments. Expect many a sad story this month.

Oh, speaking of that, I wrote three long poems about life in my alone time this break (go figure). Here is one of them:

We found our way into the afternoon,
Or we stumbled, short of grace,
Short of any words to say.
We fill awkward silence with new folk music,
And discuss old books, long trade rides to Salem and
Portland Oregon.
Someone told me that is where coffee calls home.
I’m sure of that.
I’ve always thought coffee was home in commercial drive,
Or else home is wherever we hold hands.

Theres something to be said for community,
Tall stools and light-brown house cappuccinos-
In other places they always look better than they taste,
But not at JJ Bean.
I have yet to find a better coffee than that rainy night we shared
Dark roast in small quaint mugs, white contrasting the Kenyan blend,
With nuances of grapefruit
And quiet spring mornings.

...Sometimes we say words for the sake of saying them,
because they feel good to say, instead of keeping them to ourselves
and living out our days with worry.
Or we leave our questions in small comment boxes
For someone else to pick up and carry
For a little while.


In any case. I think we should hang out, who ever is reading this. If we are ever within the same 60 mile radius of each other give me a shout.

I like this plan. Later.

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