Monday, November 12, 2007

all the while I was outside watching the rain

As the story goes, the Laureate / Jamison / Jeff show was pretty sweet. When Jamison played tons of people sat on the floor, and stage, during the set. Then Jeff played, and the crowd sat in awe of the provocative guitar talent.

And then Laureate, a band that sings a lot about the prairies, invited me on stage for the last 5 minutes of the show, to make fun of them and make people laugh.

Afterwards, I stayed up until 5 am with Erin (a girl I met last year-ish). We watched Royal Tennenbaums, listened to Sheree Plett, and tried to build a tent out of blankets. The next day we went to a church called "The Bridge", where two sections of chairs face each other, instead of at the stage. It puts the focus less on a band, and more on being with people.

My depressing thoughts about climate change were put to rest on Friday. I had one of those "random thing I just said that just happens to be profound" moments. Basically, I don't have to feel despairing or guilty about climate change. after all...

I didn't grow up in the building of a Industrial culture, and I'm not going to live long enough to see large scale climate change efforts take effect. I fall somewhere in between, in the generation thats waking up and realizing something has to be done.

And so, I can do a couple things;
1) Start consuming less of everything
2) Finding love in the simple things in life (lying on a blanket under a dark tree during a windstorm, sitting on a backeck with coffee).
3) Get creative. Yesterday I brought my own cup to church. Having my own sweet colorful mug to drink out of, instead of a throw-away, felt pretty good.

Oh, speaking of that, I totally made my own journals out of cardboard and hemp. Come visit, and see them.

and 4) Let my kids inherit solutions to the climate crisis, instead of more symptoms. As I'm discovering, I grew up in a culture that has ditched community, and forgotten how to be together. Thats one thing I can work on.

So, to conclude... I've got some hope. Now, if only I had some good prose. note to self- slow down at least 3 times a week. and write prose instead of facebook messages (facebook is lame for lunch).

In other news, it was really windy today. And when the wind hits the trees it makes this huge whooosh sound. Its one of those sounds you would love to hear while holding hands with someone. or, just wishing you were.

sigh. more to come.

- Adam

1 comment:

Furtney said...

1) Start consuming less of everything

Sacrifice! OT Theology comes into play with theology of environment? Roper, it is time to other with creation.