Tuesday, October 30, 2007

a weekend in the city, chapter 1: ghosts from broken homes

I'm flying out tomorrow. so starting a travel journal seemed appropriate. I'll be on the run until Sunday, so hopefully that inspires many "prodigal son"esque writing. meanwhile, i'm stressing out about next weeks peace festival.

I'm trying to figure out which books to bring. my heart is telling me Blue Like Jazz and Traveling Mercies. If my copy of Life After God had arrived via mail by now, that would probably find some space in my backpack as well.

I checked out the hostel i'm staying at online- the seafarers- which definitely seems built for the sake of young adulthood. I'm down.

I wrote a pre-trip poem, which turned out a little bitter and scared of the unsureness of this trip. I swear a lot, i won't lie. swearing is one of those "i really want to feel human" things that i love. right up there with beer and artsy movies.

I realized that i don't have a good jacket... so rather than try and find a ride to commercial drive, the place where all good jackets reside, i stopped into Valhalla Pure. $100 later, i have a new jacket... and a whole lot of conviction. damn.

i really want to listen to some music, and forget about stress. forever. i promise that these journals will be progressivley less crappy and depressing. it just feels like one of those nights.

i'm having a lot of those lately. lets have some down-time when i get back. i'll bring the tea.


listening to: cities

- Adam

because this city, this city is haunted.
theres no hope left for these souls.

- alexisonfire

1 comment:

* shaina * * said...

ooh i just had a beer and an artsy movie the other night! i probably swore too! hahahah. i can't wait to hang out, we will probably be entirely toxic for each other in the most satisfying way. mwahahah. (that probably sounds just awful, but i mean it in one of those good-bad ways.)

anyways, you seem more basic and real than usual here, and i like that. (or maybe i'm more basic and real today. anyone's call i guess.) i don't know what "Valhalla Pure" is but valhalla is a viking thing, and that reminds me of my potential adventure to norway, which brings me back to the beer, because the friend i may be going with and i had "euro" beers at dinner before that artsy movie the other night...

isn't this a fantastically narcissistic and useless comment?!

listen to music. in particular, the "water" disc of "The Alchemy Index." seriously. do it. get it and take it with you. or get it there if you're already gone.

okay i hope your adventure is fun and i hope our vague friendship isn't over as a result of my boring self-obsession and tendency to go on and on!