Thursday, September 13, 2007

I'm still living. somewhat.

my plan, for the next three days or so;

1) sit in class for 8 hours
2) fall asleep in 8 hour class.
3) Get Passport for New York
4) Watch "Dead Man Walking"
5) Sauce (preferably, tomato)
5.1) eat farmer sausage and perogies.

6) Watch "Benny and Joon"
7) Listen to Our Lady Peace (and lots of it). or maybe some Kings of Convenience

8) watch City and Colour in Stanley Park.

9) Write less pointless entries.
9.1) feel less like an insensitive... blah.
10) Hold hands with a girl.

(the last one might be a bit of a stretch... we'll see).


Di said...

Good plan! ;)

* shaina * * said...

i love benny and joon!

Adam said...

I still have yet too see that movie!

or hold hands with a girl.
