Monday, May 28, 2007

crows and life

I was at work today (actually, i'm still at work. i'm just taking my break at home), and i almost got attacked by a crow!! aargh!

I was walking towards Columbia Hall, aka the girl's dorms, and i heard a crow in small bush. I didn't realize it was a baby crow until i saw his mom (or dad) fly out of a tree, towards my face!

so then i ran to a different door, yelling in my cheesy high pitch voice, while the crow chased me.

that was about it. not much else happens at work, save for me almost getting eaten by birds, and kicking the steamcleaner when it stops working.


* shaina * * said...

ohh that's so funny! it makes me think of Hitchcock's "Birds"..which is very fitting 'cause i just watched a super cheesy old black and white "scary" movie last night :D

Megs said...

MAN! i wish i were there to see that...i too would have run away, screaming...yet laughing! haha your comment made me chuckle!